Ranking that Big Box of DVDs and Blu-rays that Phil and Val Gave Me

My friends Val and Phil are trying to clean out their garage to make from for … their car? Who actually parks their car in a garage? Weird.

Amongst their boxes of anime figures and workout equipment, was their giant box of DVDs and Blu-rays. They don’t really watch DVDs anymore with all the streaming and such.

They kept a few DVDs from some of their favorite shows and movies, but gave the rest to me. Huzzah!

So now, I present to you: A RANKING OF PHIL AND VAL’S BIG BOX OF DVDs & BLU-RAYs!

(This is going to take a while to complete. Check back for updates.)

  1. Dogma
    • I never got into the View Askewniverse very much, but I do remember watching Dogma when it first came out way back when. I found it just as funny this time around as I did on the first watch. Sex and platypuses really are proof that God has a sense of humor. Well … and Quantum Mechanics.
  2.  Spaceballs
    • Besides being hilarious, Spaceballs holds a special place in my heart because is was the first VHS cassette tape played in my house when I was a kid. Favorite scene: when President Screw opens up the can of Perri-Air. Also: “KNOCK ON MY DOOR! KNOCK NEXT TIME!”
  3. Blazing Saddles
    • People always say: “You could never make Blazing Saddles today,” and I kinda have to agree with them. But it’s not because they drop the N-Bomb or any of the jokes. At it’s core, Blazing Saddles is a silly movie. At one point, the villain Hedley Lamarr leaves the set, takes a taxi to Mann’s Chinese Theater, and starts watching another movie. Pretty silly. Do not get me wrong: there is nothing wrong with silly. There are some great silly movies. But … I just don’t think people want silly anymore. Everything has to be serious and explosions and alpha-manly and shit. B-O-R-I-N-G. I’ll take a silly Mel Brooks movie over that stuff any day.
  4. American Psycho
    • Up until this point, the most I knew about this movie was that one clip featuring Hip to be Square. I think I would compare this movie to something like Vampire’s Kiss … except good. I think a lot of what really works is Christian Bale’s performance. Despite the giant, brick sized cell phones, I kept forgetting that this movie was set in late 80’s. Is that weird? Also: Totally using “I got to return some videotapes” as my exiting line from now on.
  5. TRON (1982)
    • I have a soft-spot for this movie. I loved it so much as a kid. As an adult, despite the paper-thin plot, I still adore the now hokey effects and cheese 80’s graphics.
  6. Shaun of the Dead
    • I think I’d rank this higher, but we’re kinda at maximum zombie right now. Super Serious Zombie. Which is probably why we probably need Shaun of the Dead more than ever. Still … I just wasn’t feeling that same joy I did when I first watched this movie. I’m blaming Big Zombie for over-saturating the current market.
    • Every time I saw a cell phone, I was like: Were they ever that small?
  7. Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life
    • This is another one of those movies that I’ve bits of, but never the whole thing. Monty Python has always been hit or miss, and this one feels a bit of a miss. The sketches are good, but it just feels like a slog to get through them all.
  8. The Venture Bros. Season 3
    • I really loved Venture Bros. when it first came on. Season 1 and 2 were pretty cool, and the Season 4 final was super cool. But Season 3. Ooof. This was a horrible season. Oh well. Can’t win them all.
  9. TRON Legacy
    • Oh my god. This movie is PAINFUL. It’s basically every tech-bros’ wet dream. In the first 5 minutes, the lead is weaving through traffic on a motorcycle and I hate him. You know a movie is going to be bad when you’re actively rooting against the lead. There’s a Dollar General David Bowie. Daft Punk does not help this movie. Maybe I’ve just heard them too much? I really don’t like the effects in this movie. They just seem kinda average. But maybe it’s because I’m watching it on a TV and this was meant for IMAX? All that said: I do like the break into cubes effect that they do when a program gets derezzed.
    • I think this movie has the opposite problem of the original: it has too much plot. And just turns into a dialog dumping ground.
  10. The Evil Dead
    • Just because something is a classic doesn’t make it good.
  11. Gamer (2009)
    • This movie is tedious. I watched it years ago on cable. The premise isn’t that interesting. Maybe it’s supposed to be a metaphor or something? I don’t know.

Ranking Every Riff in MST3k’s Chicken of Tomorrow

For a while now, I’ve been wanting to do something where I rank random things, like every joke in Airplane!: The Movie, or the quality of ice teas at Buc-ees throughout the state. Originally I had hoped to create a WordPress plug-in to help manage the list, but … well … I’m lazy.

But as they say, we shouldn’t let perfection be the enemy of good, and I decided to just rank something to see if I could.

And so I now present to you: A ranking of every riff from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Short The Chicken of Tomorrow. This was a pretty easy one to do since the short wasn’t every long, but the DVD I have of it doesn’t have close captioning, which made the transcribing a little tedious. I’ve added notes about some of the jokes in the list. And if you find your favorite riff low in the list … well … even the bad riffs are still pretty good in this one.

And now THE (ranking of the) CHICKEN OF TOMORROW ….

  1. Mike: Eggs are complicated. They should cost $100 each!
    • This is possibly one of favorite MST3k lines. I’ll occasionally say “X is complicated. It should cost $100 each!
  2. Tom: Some eggs don’t even exist.
    • This is another line that I will randomly say.
  3. Crow: There’s no driver … The chickens are taking over!
    • The perfect way to end the short!
  4. Crow: Oh you can’t wait for things to happen, you’ve got to make them happen!
  5. Crow: Yes it’s chicken! Glorious American chicken sliced the American way!
  6. Crow: Yes, chicken sliced to the width of one electron
  7. Tom: But aren’t chickens with good self-esteem equally important?
  8. Tom: Mork calling Orson
    • This is a reference to the TV show Mork and Mindy starring Robin Williams as Mork from Ork. The Orks used egg-shaped spaceships that you had to break out of like a chicken breaking out of an egg. Mork would telepathically contact his boss by repeating the mantra: “Mork calling Orson, come in Orson.”
  9. Tom: Aren’t there suppose to be pantyhose in there?
  10. Tom: The unholy alliance between big oil and big chickens.
  11. Mike: Stop throwing them at my car!
    • Narrator: Here’s a few facts about eggs …
  12. Mike: I’ll have an egg tomorrow, I swear!
  13. Crow: GRADING!
  14. Tom: Or put a warning slip on her desk.
  15. Tom: Eat and Grow forever!
  16. Crow: Oh yea, who hasn’t?
    • Narrator: Have you ever noticed the old hen turning her eggs over in her nest?
  17. Crow: She’s worth millions.
  18. Mike: Miss Moss, and for you Miss Taylor.
  19. Mike: Time to Die …
  20. Mike: 40 piece chicken nuggets to go!
  21. Tom: Hey guys! It’s God!
  22. Mike: She will live.
    • Apparently Eggs / Feed determines life or death.
  23. Mike: Ride the Wild Mouse!
  24. Mike: I’d like to be the Chicken of Tomorrow, but how can I be more the Man of Today?
  25. Mike: Wait a minute: Men and women breeding better poultry? What kinda sick experiment is going on here?
  26. Crow: Oh pardon me.
    • This line isn’t that funny, but I love the voice Crow does for it.
  28. Crow: I’ve seen the episode where the eggs come to fast and she starts putting them in her mouth.
  29. Mike: I hate it when people tape their own deliveries.
  30. Mike: It’s Goofus and Gallant.
  31. Mike: Life is grand! It stretches out in front of me like an eternity!
  32. Crow: Garage sale … Goodwill … save for the kids …
  33. Mike: That guys is escaping disgusted as a chicken!
  34. *Crow miming eating chicks*
    • I’ve seen this short at least a billion times, but this is the first time I noticed Crow miming eating the chicks on screen. Hilarious.
  35. Tom: Yeah, they own everything.
    • Narrator: You know how chickens are …
  36. Tom: Joey the Cockstone Tortellie, Ricky the Davantello, Jimmy Crazy Cock Cochinee (probably not transcribed right)
    • Honestly, this joke should be higher on the ranking, but I think I was a little bitter having to listen to the same section a billion times over to get the names and the DVD not having Closed Captioning.
  37. Tom: Everybody, Soylent Green is made from Chickens!
    • This is a reference to the last scene in the movie Soylent Green. Futurama has made several hilarious references to Soylent Green as well.
  38. Mike: There’s no point – it’s just funny!
  39. Crow: These are your chickens on drugs.
    • This is, of course, making fun of the 80’s PSA. Who knew eggs were a gateway drug?
  40. Mike: So put your mouth under a chicken.
  41. Crow: Lick your eggs, or have a friend lick them.
  42. Mike: So you can see why egg farming is so fascinating.
  43. Mike: Full of Salmonella Tom: *Smacking noises*
    • Salmonella is an infection that you can get from some animals and pets.
  44. Mike: These chickens were smoking in bed.
    • Apparently smoking cigarettes in bed used to be really common. Sounds kind of disgusting to me.
  45. Crow: May I have a piece of my own white meat please?
  46. Tom: Oh thanks for the generous helping … jezze
  47. Tom: These must be models portions here …
  48. Mike: We bring you now to market
  49. Mike: That’s an urban myth!
  50. Tom: Heavens I’m so fat! I just look at chicken feed and I gain weight!
  51. Crow: The chicken shortage of 1937
    • While Google AI enthusiastically states there was a chicken shortage in 1937, I can’t find any hard evidence.
  52. Tom: You could carry it in your wallet.
  53. Mike: There concerts at the gazebo.
  54. Mike: Alright come on sing – row row row – you’re not singing!
  55. Crow: The dressing plant? Sound like fun! Tom: I want a new hat!
  56. Crow: *Snoring sounds* Tom: Buddy … wake up!
  57. Mike: Did America really need to be sold on the automotive industry at this point?
  58. Tom: Betty, must you sit in dinner?
  59. Tom: Fellow poultry men our cherished freedoms are threatened from all sides!
  60. Crow: I don’t think I got what it takes to be the chicken on tomorrow.
  61. Mike: If you’re nice we’ll hook you up to the milking machine.
  62. Mike: Some eggs are sent to solitary.
  63. Mike: It’s nice. You know it’s small but the walls are neutral
  64. Tom: Oh hi Cindy! I’m so glad I’m in your group. This is going to be fun!
  65. Crow: Why am I watching this?
  66. Crow: The Bill Clinton Story!
    • In case you forgot, Bill Clinton was a president. He had some high points, but also some low points.
  67. Tom: The Chicken of Tomorrow in a deadly battle against the Chicken of Today!
  68. Crow: CHICKENS!
  69. Tom: No it isn’t.
    • Really, it isn’t.
  70. Crow: Individual counseling is provided.
  71. Corw: Woo Hoo! We’re going on a trip! Hey, where are we going?
  72. Mike: I think the fella in white really likes us Susan.
  73. Mike: Or migrant workers.
    • How many chickens can fit in a coop?
  74. All: Rodents? AAAAAHHHHH!
  75. Mike: I’m in the incubator now.
  76. Mike: A collections ciders and spring water should be kept on hand.
  77. Crow: Normandy!
  78. Crow: How dry I am? *hickup*
  79. Mike: Or chickens typically.
    • It can hold thousands of guest!
  80. Tom: Sticks of dynamite are arranged carefully around the parameter.
  81. Crow: Make sure to put them all in one basket.
  82. Tom: Hey pal – feed me then clean up my poops!
  83. Crow: Dad went a little nuts this Easter.
  84. Mike: They’re all wearing Rembrandt Hats.
  85. Tom: Broadway!
    • Where everyone is going after incubation.
  86. Mike: Uh … dad … if you could carve a little faster … I’m kinda hungry …
  87. Mike: Cigarette butts, hair, beer cans …
  88. Tom: Such as here at Sotherby’s.
  89. Crow: Which seems excessively anal retentive.
  90. Mike: Even to the Texaco Station!
    • This joke is kinda stupid, but I like the voice Mike makes for it.
  91. Tom: You think I can wear these pants out tonight?
  92. Tom: You know this kinda music helps chickens breed. It’s kinda the Luther Vandross of chicken music.
  93. Crow: This could be your drumstick, this is the number to call.
  94. Mike: Oh this is going to be hot hot hot.
  95. Tom: Alternatively they may bring their eggs early the day of the auction.
  96. Tom: Yeah for pervs.
    • The only appropriate place for a “Chick Inspector” t-shirt.
  97. All: AAAH! Tom: Jezze!
    • Suddenly it’s Carnival of Souls here! (I’m pretty sure that line is from another MST3k, but I can’t remember which one …)
  98. Tom: eh … they mingle … get to know each other.
  99. Tom and Crow: *Chicken Noises*
    • A great way to end this movie!
  100. Mike: How many are you sitting on?
  101. Crow: I said speed is essential!
  102. Crow: Except for the sports section!
  103. Crow: Dedicated to the chickens that lost their life in the Great Chicken War.
  104. Tom: And if they’ve completed their lessons.
  105. Tom: There it is, wait … no … There!
    • Where’s Waldo?
  106. Mike: The chickens are dining in front of a Susan Rothstein mural.
    • Who is Susan Rothstein?? Can’t find a painter by that name.
  107. Mike: Rooms by the hour!
  108. Tom: Chickens are shipped to the set of Oklahoma.
  109. Crow: There’s your appetizers, I’ll be back to get your drink orders ladies.
  110. Tom: Put your hand up Mike: *Put’s hand up*
  111. Mike: Come on that tickles!
  112. Tom: That’s one bloodshot eye.
  113. Tom: Thank you young man!
    • Narrator: Good Chicks come Good Eggs. I love the granny voice Tom does for this line.
  114. Mike: Can I go to the bathroom? Tom: No, stay in there! Mike: Oh can I go home? Tom: No the door’s locked.
  115. Crow: Hey, clean your fingers!
  116. Tom: And one bathroom for all of them.
  117. Mike: For a few weeks only to be eaten.
  118. Crow: Oh wait, that’s my Silly Putty.
  119. Crow: Come on down and eat everybody!
  120. Mike: Design by Frank Loyd Wright.
    • I don’t know … they don’t look complicated and impractical enough.
  121. Tom: Hey! Why are we screeching?
  122. Crow: Open your hymnals to number 325 …
  123. Tom: These are headed for the driving range.
  124. Tom: Hey hey hey, Fat Albert!
    • Fat Albert was a cartoon character from the 80’s.
  125. Mike: You’re adorable!
    • Thank you, young man!
  126. Tom: To be killed … to be killed … to be killed.
  127. Crow: By removing meal worms.
    • How can you improve chicken?
  128. Crow: Hey, I’m trying to sleep in here!
  129. Mike: Say, can I have a bigger egg?
  130. Crow: What did I do last night?
  131. Crow: Woah! Milton Berle there!
  132. Crow: eww … I got a tiny headache.
  133. Tom: The one with the rats.
  134. All: What?
  135. Tom: Yeah go have a little fun.
  136. Mike: Unless filthy Fred there collects them.
  137. Crow: Pullets!
  138. Tom: Right … you push it out. Geesh … this is hard …
  139. Crow: Great … what are those?
  140. Crow: Does this taste funny to you?
  141. Tom: Yeah I’m cool baby!
  142. Mike: Yeah right. Backwards-Jackass Company.
    • Hey! I resemble that remark!
  143. Tom: Ah … he’s drunk!
  144. Mike: Then they turn on each other.
  145. Mike: Oh … I’l be out in a … minute…
  146. Mike: If you kinda squint.
  147. Tom: Oh, it’s true!
    • 100 degree eggs!
  148. Crow: And you know what that means!
  149. Mike: Like wagons!
  150. Tom: Uh … that ones clean …
  151. Crow: Get in there!
  152. Tom: Help me.
  153. Crow: Go … Go …
  154. Crow: And this fellow!
  155. Tom: It’s Ross Perot!
    • In case you don’t remember, Ross Perot was a presidential candidate.
  156. Tom: You bet!
  157. Tom: I’m full!
  158. Crow: Here I come!
  159. Tom: *giberish*

Honorable Mentions

There’s one point in the short where the narrator claims that egg laying should be easy. The film cuts to a chicken in a nest with a voice-over done in the style of a 50’s movie femme fatale: That’s what you think big boy! Mike and the bots are shocked and wowed by this, with – I think – Tom commenting “That was weird!”